Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Color vectors

I received a comment (here) asking about color in plotting vectors.

Ok, I'd not write about properties of figures but the reader's satisfaction is more important.

We can manipulate any property of the graphs in Scilab as following:

--> set("figure_style","new"); //create a figure in entity mode

-->f = get("current_figure")
f =

Handle of type "Figure" with properties:
children: "Axes"
figure_style = "new"
figure_position = [655,473]
figure_size = [610,461]
axes_size = [596,397]
auto_resize = "on"
figure_name = "Scilab Graphic (%d)"
figure_id = 0
color_map= matrix 32x3
pixmap = "off"
pixel_drawing_mode = "copy"
immediate_drawing = "on"
background = -2
visible = "on"
rotation_style = "unary"
user_data = []

--> a = f.children // the handle on the Axes child

Now, let's set the desired color:

--> a.foreground = 5;

And we can make the graph:

--> x = [1:10]';

--> y = [1:10]';

--> [vx vy] = meshgrid(x, y);

--> champ(x, y, vx, vy, 1);

The result is:

But, we want more! Let's continue the script as following:

--> a.foreground = 3;

--> x = 10 + [1:10]';

--> y = 10 + [1:10]';

--> [vx vy] = meshgrid(x, y);

--> champ(x, y, vx, vy, 1);

The result is:

The foreground element, called in

--> a.foreground = n; // n is a number that represents the desired color

may be any of these values:

  • 1 - black
  • 2 - blue
  • 3 - green
  • 4 - cyan
  • 5 - red
  • 6 - magenta
  • 7 - yellow
  • 8 - white
  • 9 - dark blue

Scilab can make graphs with more colors (for the numbers higher or equal than 10), but you are smart for test it.

If you want a black bound (look that the made graphs, the bound's color is the same of the vectors) you have to put the command

--> a.foreground = 1;

after the champ(.) function:

That's all, now the unknown reader can plot vectors with colors.


Anonymous said...

As to this topic, is it possible to make color vectors as in matlab in scilab?
I mean doing like:
then using it in plot:
to get graph color as 1 from color vector, which is red.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, if you use plot2d you can change the color with color(r,g,b), e.g. plot2d(x,sin(x),color(255,0,0)),
but I don know how to do it with single points.