Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Car plate tracking

I found an old project that I developed during my graduation course which consists in a car plate tracking system.

It was developed in Python in 2007, but I translated it to Scilab, in some minutes, today.

I used SIVp toolbox and simple pattern recognition and digital image and signal processing techniques in this system.

The system is tested with a set of images from a Brazilian repository which has many images of cars.

Look the result of the system.

If anyone is interested in this system, come on let's talk about it. We can try to improve it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Scilab for GPIB or USB devices

I received a comment here and the commenter wants to know how to connect a PC in a USB or GPIB device.

Ric, you need to install the driver Visa and the toolbox that has functions to access the driver, you can try this toolbox.

This driver, Visa, isn't free (open source) but you can download it in the web easily.

So, if you, or anyone else, have any question, I'll try to help you again.